When Middle School Takes Learning Beyond the Classroom

1 min read

This week, our middle school students explored real-world experiences through a Jewish lens in our annual Minimester 2025:

 Animals & Us – Studied tza’ar ba’alei chayim with visits to the Zoological Wildlife Foundation, Everglades Holiday Park, and Lion Country Safari.

Understanding Tzahal & Its Allies – Learned about pikuach nefesh at Miami Beach City Hall, FBI Headquarters, Homestead Military Base, and Miami Beach Police Station.

Fit for Life – Focused on shmirat haguf with trips to Frost Science Museum, Berry Farm, Robert Is Here, JCC, IMA Yoga Studio, and Soul Cycle.

Heroes of Chesed – Explored acts of kindness at North Miami Humane Society and Jackson Memorial Hospital.

Creative Design – Examined tzniut and ethical fashion with projects at Goodwill, Field Workshop, and a meeting with designer Mimi Tyko.

Music, Meaning & Multimedia – Created original music at House of Hits, exploring music’s role in Jewish culture.

Each day began with tefillah and Torah study, grounding students in Jewish values as they engaged in hands-on learning.