5th Grade rocked their 100-themed t-shirts and tackled activities like sorting 100 words by part of speech, converting fractions with denominators of 100 into decimals, and predicting life 100 years from now! 1st Grade explored number patterns with a 100-chart mystery picture, imagined what they’d do with $100 in writing, and enjoyed a special trail mix inspired by Eric Carle books! 2nd graders marked the 100th day of school with a special craft, reflecting on all they have learned so far this school year. They also set goals for the future, thinking about new skills and knowledge they hope to gain. Kindergarten brought in 100 of their favorite items and challenged their classmates to guess what it was using creative clues! Pre-K counted 100 pieces of cereal—because what better way to celebrate than with snacks and numbers? Here’s to 100 days of growth, fun, and learning! Categories (tags): AcademicsEarly ChildhoodElementary