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Becoming a Warrior Starts at Birth

Early Childhood

Little Warriors Soar at Hebrew Academy

Serving children from six weeks to Pre-Kindergarten, Early Childhood at Hebrew Academy is the first choice for families seeking a program rooted in mitzvot and middot. Our child-centered, play-based, and family-focused approach creates a warm and enriching early learning environment within our Jewish day school.

Cultivating Little Warriors

Take a Peek inside Hebrew Academy’s Early Childhood

Explore Our Early Childhood Schedule

Take a Glimpse into a Day at Hebrew Academy

Our daily schedule runs on a half-hour center rotation. All of our classrooms are center-based, with many opportunities for small group and one-on-one interactions. A typical sample schedule is as follows depending on the age group:


Daily Schedule

Limudei Kodesh

Our Judaic curriculum centers around the Jewish calendar, with a focus on Parashat Hashavuah, Chagim, and Mitzvot. Parashat Hashavuah is explored weekly until Sefer Vayikra, emphasizing the specific Mitzvah or Middah. In our Chagim curriculum, we delve into each Yom Tov’s narrative, Halachot, Minhaguim, Tefillot, Berachot, and Hebrew vocabulary.

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General Studies

Our General Studies Curriculum is designed around age-appropriate and developmentally accepted practices. Classroom planning considers both group and individual needs, acknowledging each child’s unique learning style. We utilize diverse teaching methods, encouraging inquiry and research based on children’s interests. Assessment is crucial to ensure every child reaches their potential. Our curriculum blends an emergent and thematic approach, providing both guided and individualized educational opportunities.

To ensure proficiency in phonetic awareness and proper letter formation, we implement programs like Jolly Phonics and Handwriting without Tears in Nursery 3 and Pre-K. These programs adapt to the evolving nature of early childhood development, accommodating various learning styles. Early introduction to Ivrit is fostered through immersive programs like Chalav U’Dvash and Cap It!, laying the foundations for language skills.

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Social Emotional Learning

In early childhood, Social Emotional Intelligence blossoms as children transition from reacting to caregivers’ evaluations to self-evaluation. Growing self-awareness enhances communication and understanding of others, fostering improved social skills. Children adeptly express emotions for diverse social situations, crucial for forming interpersonal relationships. Practical steps to nurture Social Emotional Intelligence include problem-solving, collaboration, sharing, practicing manners, effective communication, managing personal needs, stating personal information, and engaging in projects to help others.

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Engineering and Robotics: STEAM Education

Our new Makerspace engages Pre-K students four times a week, equipped with a smartboard, iPad cart, 3D printer, Alexa, and Apple TV. Our interdisciplinary STEAM program integrates science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, tying them to Judaic and Ivrit programs for cohesive learning. Morah Raquel’s lessons focus on intent, process, and purpose. This curriculum supports brain and body development, enhancing various learning skills through engaging experiences. Circle time and group instruction promote self-competence, effective verbalizations, cognitive development, imaginative play, rhythm, fine arts, sign language, communication, and collaborative learning.

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Music with Moreh Shlomi

Moreh Shlomi Krivinsky, our music teacher for 13 years, kicks off each morning with the early childhood students during Mifkad, our morning assembly. The assembly includes reciting the pledge of allegiance, the Star-Spangled Banner, Hatikvah, and prayers for Eretz Israel and its soldiers. Classes visit the auditorium twice a week for a mix of Israeli, American, and holiday songs, featuring movement and instrument elements. Fridays bring a special Shabbat program with songs and dance.

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Our Programs

From Infancy to Pre-K

In the Infant Room, our babies are introduced to new faces and routines. The space in which our infants learn is safe, calm, and soothing. In this room babies are exposed to language, music, and movement. They are loved and cared for in an environment that is very similar to their homes.

Playgroup or the Toddler Room is a large space where our kids begin to thrive and function as a society. Teachers in this room begin designing lessons that promote children’s independence and social skills. Students begin to express themselves through body or verbal language and they also begin to engage in parallel play. In this room they start showing their personalities, interests, and dislikes. Their emotions are big, and they are in constant motion. Sensory play plays an important role at this age level.

In Nursery 2, most of our students are talking, climbing, jumping, running, and bustling with energy. They begin to understand concepts and ideas and may even show an interest in potty training. They get to explore and experiment with the environment around them constantly.

In Nursery 3, our students are introduced to our day school curriculums. They are now verbal and have a strong ability to communicate effectively. In this room they are introduced to visual thinking through our visual organizer approach to instruction. They are also introduced to critical thinking and to solve problems in many different ways. They become familiar with classroom rules and follow through with transitions. They begin to work independently and to direct their own learning.

Our Pre-k is considered a Junior Kindergarten, this year prepares our students to successfully enter kindergarten and to take ownership of their learning. It is here that they test their boundaries and are full of very important and interesting questions. Our teachers are enablers at maximizing brain and body development, and they provide them with many rich and engaging learning experiences. Their school experiences and interactions with their families will shape their personalities and their way of thinking. Skills such as self-competence, effective verbalizations and listening skills, cognitive development, imaginative play, rhythm, fine arts, design thinking, visual thinking, general atmosphere, and collaborative learning are just a few of the 21st century skills we encourage at this age level.

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Early Childhood Faculty

Nurturing Excellence in Early Childhood Education

Raquel Felici, M.S. Ed., ECT

Director of Early Childhood Education

Eilat Bendrihem

Early Childhood Educator

Gabe Deutsch

Office of Elementary & ECE Principal

Yudeyki Toledo

Early Childhood Educator

Carolina De La Rosa

Early Childhood Educator

Eti Mizrahi

Nursery 2 & After School Activities Director

Gali Shachagi

Early Childhood Educator
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Yaneira Olivares Moreno

Early Childhood Educator