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Ahavat Israel

Israel Gap Year Guidance

עם ישראל בארץ ישראל

Yeshivot and Seminary Acceptances

Bar Ilan
Midreshet Torah V’avodah
The Jean Schottenstein Oryah Institute Reichman University (IDC)
Darchai Bina
Midreshet Harova
Midreshet Torat Chesed
Midreshet Moriah (MIDMO)
Derech Ohr Sameach
Aish Gesher
Lev Ahraon
Yeshivat Reshit
Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh

FAQ – Israel Guidance Program

At Hebrew Academy Miami, we aim to instill a strong Jewish foundation and lasting connection to Torah values. Studying in Israel enhances this foundation by providing a uniquely focused experience of growth in Torah learning and intensifying dedication to Jewish living.

92% of the Class of 2023 are currently spending a gap year in Israel.

Our Israel Guidance Department plays a crucial role by assisting students in researching and applying for Israel Gap Year programs. They facilitate networking with Yeshivot and Seminaries, counsel on program options, arrange campus visits, guide through the application process, and encourage students to attend the school sanctioned trips to Israel.

Families have ample opportunities throughout the year to arrange private meetings with our dedicated Israel Guidance Counselor. Please contact Rabbi Yossi Manne at ymanne@rasg.org, he is available to assist in every aspect of the Seminary and Yeshiva selection process.

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Connect with Israel Guidance

Helping Students Navigate the Right Yeshiva or Seminary Choice

Rabbi Yosef Manne

High School Dean of Students & Israel Guidance Counselor