Alumni Meet with Rabbi David Kleinman, Show Unwavering Support for Eretz Yisrael

1 min read

A special photo from this week featuring many of last year’s alumni meeting with our very own faculty member Rabbi David Kleinman, who is currently serving as a reservist in the IDF and was recently called back to duty during this war. The alumni in this photo are spending their days learning but furthermore they are dedicating their time to assisting Eretz Yisrael in any way they can. We couldn’t be prouder of their commitment. Am Yisrael Chai!

Alumni pictured:

Leah Berkowitz (Class of 2023)

Sara Reinberg (Class of 2023)

Emily Roller (Class of 2023)

Moshe Dov Lachs (Class of 2023)

Shoshana Stein (Class of 2023)

Meira Weinstein (Class of 2023)

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