This week, our high school students had the privilege of learning from an incredible lineup of speakers who brought powerful messages of resilience, identity, and responsibility. Charlotte Korchak, Founder and Director of the Jerusalem Education Institute, captivated our 11th and 12th graders with a dynamic workshop on how to engage in impactful conversations with those who hold antagonistic views on Israel. Rabbi Yaakov Marcus, visiting from Jerusalem, delved into deep Torah concepts, guiding students through an exploration of why Hashem tests us and the different levels of the soul. Rabbi Shalom Hammer shared his deeply personal story of losing his teenage daughter, Gila, and his mission to inspire young people to see others, truly listen, and offer support. His message was clear: a simple, sincere “How are you?” can save a life. Learn more at Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg, editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia Talmudit and a leading expert in Jewish medical ethics, taught students in our Mevakshim program, which provides opportunities for those seeking deeper Torah learning and growth. He led a fascinating discussion on the primary principles of Halacha in War, offering insight into the ethical and legal considerations of conflict in Jewish law. Yael Berman, an IDF reservist and WIZO representative, engaged with our high school students on Friday and was warmly welcomed by our elementary students. Major (Res.) Berman has held key leadership roles in the Home Front Command, including operations in population affairs and epidemiological investigations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Categories (tags): AcademicsHigh SchoolIsraelJudaic StudiesTorah Values