Israel STEM Middle School Competition Ignites Innovation

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What an incredible day we had today at the first round of Israel STEAM’s middle school competition! 48 small companies showcased their inventions and technological solutions. These 48 teams, acting as CEOs, designers, financial managers, and marketers, have worked tirelessly throughout the year to develop original ideas, compare prices, create training and marketing videos, design models, and produce remarkable products! And they’re all young and exceptionally talented students!

Two students in a classroom happily standing in front of their presentation.

The competition was evaluated by 6 judges from the teaching staff, and we were honored to welcome distinguished judges from grades 4 and 5 to judge as the kids’ choice.

Congratulations to the 10 companies that advanced to the next round, and we wish them continued success!

A special thanks to Inbar, Amit, Tehila, and Hadas for their dedicated work throughout the year in the Israel Steam program. The B’not Sherut were there for the students in every lesson, every week, delivering incredible content in a unique and authentic Israeli manner! Toda raba!

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