Hebrew Academy had the privilege of hosting world renowned teacher of Jewish mysticism, philosophy and medical ethics, Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz this past Monday. He addressed our parents on the topic of parenting according to Torah principles. Parents enjoyed the opportunity to learn from such a great teacher and a breakfast sponsored by PTSA. 12th grade honors students learned from Rabbi Tatz the power of human speech and the depth of how lashon hara creates a reality that traps people, and which the speaker is judged against. Honors 11th grade students learned about the halachic logic of the painful 1977 case of conjoined twins who had to be separated, saving one but directly causing the death of one of them. Out teachers also had a chance to learn from Rabbi Tatz focusing the complex question of whether one person can use their free will to bring about a consequence on another person that they weren’t “destined” to experience. Categories (tags): High SchoolTorah Values