Kindergarten Fun at Flamingo GardensOur kindergarteners had an exciting Tu Bishvat adventure at Flamingo Gardens, connecting with nature and celebrating the New Year of the Trees! Growing Gratitude in Mrs. Salver’s Grow Torah ClassStudents expressed Hakarat Hatov by decorating Gratitude Leaves, writing poems and messages to thank trees for all they provide us. This meaningful activity deepened their appreciation for Hashem’s creations and the beauty of Tu Bishvat. Rebar… Tu Bishvat Style for Middle School!Middle school students enjoyed a refreshing Tu Bishvat-inspired treat, celebrating the holiday with delicious fruit-filled Rebar smoothies! High School Hosts Rooftop Tu Bishvat CelebrationHigh schoolers took their Tu Bishvat festivities to new heights with a rooftop celebration, enjoying the beauty of nature and the spirit of the holiday together. Categories (tags): ElementaryHigh SchoolJudaic StudiesMiddle SchoolTorah ValuesUncategorized