Yom Ha’Atzamut Around Campus 2024

1 min read
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Yom Ha’atzmaut was epic this year from early childhood through high school! Our Little Warriors traveled through different cities in Israel and created their own Dead Sea mud, wrote letters and placed them on the Kotel in Jerusalem, crafted beautiful sunglasses in Tel Aviv, and enjoyed sand art in Eilat.

In elementary school, students began their morning with a musical Hallel and a flag parade. Afterward, students had a blast going from classroom to classroom, enjoying IDF bootcamp, making fresh pita and Israeli salad, learning about Israeli geography, dancing to Israeli music, and much more.

Middle and high school Yom Ha’atzmaut festivities included an epic Hatikva jam, Israeli salad and hummus making, signing an Israeli flag with words of support and hope that will be hand-delivered to Israel, a meaningful Hallel to start the morning, and so much more!

Small child placing stickers on a wall covered with various stickers in a classroom.
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